Monday, January 18, 2010

Stage Iv Cervical Cancer How Long Does Cancer Take To Spread From Stage I To Stage IV If Teatments Are Not Wanted?

How long does cancer take to spread from stage I to stage IV if teatments are not wanted? - stage iv cervical cancer

This is important for ovarian cancer or cervical cancer.


Blah said...

It depends on the situation, but in many cases, cancer of stage 1 to be buried in remission. This is the first step and most curable.

Blah said...

It depends on the situation, but in many cases, cancer of stage 1 to be buried in remission. This is the first step and most curable.

Peter M said...

It is impossible to be accurate, but without treatment, caramba, yes, I do not want to put into words. For this type of cancer have to contend. Everything I read was saying that he had not long until the terminal without treatment. If you can, please, please get this treatment. At one point, fighting a good chance for a good result and not fight with him have no chance. Do not make the world poorer - the fight against the thing. Cancer is an ugly thing, and does not deserve to win!

Jennifer B said...

Wow .. Difficult question ... I know a few people that they fight. It is an aggressive cancer, and even though treatment may be hell, it is worth fighting for .. Good luck!

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